Cozy Grove has been on my daily rotation for a few years now, and yes, I have yet to finish the game. Over half of my bears are gold and one has already ascended. I miss him already. I’ve started playing Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit though I haven’t finished Cozy Grove but the fact it’s strictly a mobile game is throwing me off.
I was introduced to this company over 10 years ago with their mobile game Triple Town. My first ex husband had a habit of finding games he thought I’d like: on PSN, iPhone gaming, anywhere I gamed at the time. He was always looking out for games that would satisfy my need for solving puzzles paired with cute little graphics. If you haven’t played Triple Town yet, I suggest you do, it’s a 3×3 matching game and it’s super cute. It gets rather difficult the higher you level, but it’s a fun relaxing sort of challenge.
Triple Town has had a permanent spot on my iPhone gaming page ever since.
My first Cozy Game save was on my Switch Lite, I have since time traveled on that file due to being impatient and tbh, it really didn’t do me any good. It def messed up my file for awhile. I think it’s good now, but I still hesitate to open that file. My main file being on my Steam account. I’m time locked for sure on that one since it’s on PC. And that’s fine, being forced to experience the seasons as they come isn’t a bad thing.
I have a ton of random screenshots when it comes to this game. The dialog between you and the bears are my favorite part. Along with the name of creatures.

Literally, whoever named these guys and wrote their descriptions need a raise. One of my favorite parts of catching things is seeing what the names are. While I do go searching to see what I’m missing from season to season, I try to avoid remembering the names of things so I can be surprised when I catch them! I’m a total sucker for catching all the gold and blue ones being legendary, mythical and rares.

The first time I played I was so amazed by the Imps. Who are they? Are they friends? Why won’t they let me hug them?! Feeding them allows them to give you materials but only certain ones can be fed. Make sure you land the food of their choice in front of them because the other Imps will def steal it.
Same idea with the clams. The more skips you take between yourself and landing it in the clam the better your reward is. These can be both fun and tricky. Def took me awhile to figure it out.
Despite being time locked daily, there is a lot to do on this game. The closer you get to turning all your bears gold, the longer the quests take. That’s the only thing I don’t really like. Is the quests that take days to complete.

Cozy Grove is one of the best cozy games out there. Be prepared to find yourself attached to these spirits and not want to let them go. There’s so many amazing things I could say about this game, but I’ll leave that for another time.
Have you played Cozy Grove? Who’s your favorite bear?
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